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We are a collective of women around the world standing together to create a new age.
We have stopped waiting for it; we have decided to live in it already.
We have committed ourselves to live from the deepest truth, from the heart and soul.
We are here to live fully and joyfully and to celebrate and heal together and recognize this incredibly beautiful existence.

We believe in a world in which we can all live a fulfilled and nourished life in harmony with nature!

In order to continue to help shape and grow this new world, WHERE DREAM MANIFEST embraces the following concept:

All our products are eco-friendly, sustainable and vegan! : )

For every product you purchase, 100% of the profits go to our charity project „You are worth the boost!“, which financially supports people on their path to healing and fulfillment. For example, those who want to start their own business or participate in the long-awaited healing retreat, and need a small boost to get started. Read more about this below.

If we are featuring an artist, 33% of the profits go to our „You are worth the boost!“ project, and 67% to the artist who brought the product into this world through her unique energy. Our wish is that more and more self-employed people can pursue their soul calling and feel financially well taken care of!

So when you buy a product from us, you not only get the wonderful product, but you also support us in spreading the New Earth! : )

We thank each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!

If you would like to support us additionally, we greatly appreciate any referrals to your friends and family!

And we are very happy if you share and follow us on Instagram @wheredreamsmanifest Lets prove together that it is possible to live the New Earth! That it is possible to create a community that supports each other across all borders! <3

We also dream to meet one day and have a big magical ceremony and celebration together! We look forward to the day we will finally meet in physical form! If you dont want to miss it, be sure to sign up for our newsletter!

We hope that we can still grow very far and reach and support many people!

All the best to you! We love you! We believe in you!




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Heart Projekt

`You are worth the boost!´

All our profit goes to this wonderful New Earth project.

„You are worth the boost!“ is the heart project of the founder of Where Dreams Manifest, Sanyana Alaina.
Sanyana suffered from severe depression and eating disorder for many years. During those years, she was unable to provide for her own basic financial needs, let alone invest in herself. She was very fortunate and privileged that her father not only supported her financially on a monthly basis but also lend her money to afford seminars that helped her heal.
Today, Sanyana has been living a happy and fulfilled life for many years and she knows how much she has been blessed by the freedom that was offered to her.
Now, she wants to give this gift back to the world.
Words from Sanyana: „I believe that there are so many people out there who just need that initial support. Someone who believes in them and supports them with knowledge, connections or financial resources. And each person who begins to blossom, for themselves and for the world, allows the New Earth to continue to grow. In this world, we all support each other and there is enough for everyone! ‚You are worth the boost‘ is my way of saying thank you and giving back to the world what I myself have received.“
With this project, we hope to support people on many different levels.
We will look very individually at how we can support each person. Sometimes we might cover the cost of a seminar or therapy. Other times we might cover the basic financial needs of the person for a few months so they have time to heal or build their independence. Then again, we hope to issue loans without interest to help people build their dreams.
If you would like to apply for this project, click the button below.
If you are already in financial abundance and would like to support other people, we would be very happy if you donated to this project. We accept any amount, no matter how small, with deep gratitude!

Via Paypal:
Via bank account:
IBAN: BE66 9672 8026 9843

Please indicate as reference „Donation for you are worth the boost“.

We and all the people you support thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


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